Mitch Waite is English, has been living in France
since 1995 and is a founder member of IntuThink and
Maison des Arts. His entrepreneurial spirit and experience
in business, combined with a life-long passion for painting,
has provided him with the unique ability not only to understand
creativity as an artist and a businessman, but also to be
able to communicate that knowledge extremely effectively.
He has been running courses for business people on creative
thinking and stress management at Maison des Artsin France, since
it's creation in 2000 and for three years prior to that at The
Institute for Management Development in Lausanne, Switzerland.
He has also worked with various other institutions, notably, ING
in Amsterdam, Theseus in Sophia Antipolis and IHI in Copenhagen.
Mitch Waite established IntuThink in 2003 in collaboration with
Alan Murphy, Craig Marsh and Gerry Clarke.